CCRIT is a non-profit-making organisation,
open to any person, association or institution willing to
subscribe to its purposes and contribute in an active manner
to different activities that are initiated or assisted by
CCRIT. The organisation is not politically involved and
it is led by a Board of Directors.
As compared to other Eastern European Universities,
the "Babes-Bolyai" University in Cluj has as a specific
feature a multilingual (basically bilingual) profile: Romanian
and Hungarian teachers and students work together. This
mirrors the multicultural situation of Transylvania. The
relations between (and among) different ethnic groups of
this region are not always harmonious because both before
and after 1989 the dominant discourse dealing with ethnic
relations was more or less marked by nationalism. At the
initiative and with the contribution of the late professor
Ion Aluas (sociologist, the first director of CCRIT), a
group of academics and researchers from the "Babes-Bolyai"
University wanted to materialise their interest in interethnic
relations in a scientific approach to these issues and civic
action based on this.
The core activities of CCRIT include:
• To research the cultural heritage
of different populations and ethnic groups in Romania (especially
from Transylvania);
• To offer scientifically grounded data on controversial
aspects of past and present day issues of different ethnic
groups in this region, frequently mentioned by intellectuals
and politicians in political disputes;
• To offer a research frame for different persons
interested in improving their knowledge on what concerns
ethnic relations and nationalism, either from a theoretical
point of view or by performing field research in Transylvania.
• To offer assistance for different NGOs whose purposes
are to improve interethnic relations and the social climate
in Romania.
Given that in Romania there is a scarcity
of information and research on ethnic relations, NGOs working
in this field seek for scientific support for developing
and performing activities dealing with the improvement of
interethnic relations. CCRIT offers documentation on ethnic
issues and social science at the "Ion Aluas" Documentation
Centre on Multiculturalism. In the past, CCRIT collaborated
with YAP (Youth Action for Peace) on problems of multiculturalism
and tolerance, participating at seminars and meetings or
assisting and counselling. Furthermore, CCRIT supported
the CIVITAS foundation program for training in conflict
prevention in local communities. CCRIT also co-operated
with UNICEF Romania, sustaining lectures on the topic of
ethnically sensitive social work for people involved in
the child-care system. At present, CCRIT in more involved
in research projects concerning the situation of ethnic