Besides their regular duties as teachers or researchers,
program participants are expected to carry out the core
activities of the project:
To organize teaching
workshops or round-table discussions at their
home faculties, where faculty members could share
their teaching experiences and discuss the position
of anthropology courses in the curricula of the department.
These meetings might take place in a more informal
setting as well, given that their main purpose is
to enhance communication within departments of social
sciences from the region;
To organize teaching
workshops with students, which have a double-aim:
to receive feedback from students on their teaching,
and to offer training sessions for students on academic
writing in English, critical thinking, reading and
writing skills, etc.;
To engage in a research
exercise with students on a topic previously
agreed upon with the program director and the academic
advisors of the program. Preferably, the research
should have a comparative dimension and it should
be carried out in collaboration with a project partner
from a different country. Given that the research
serves educational purposes, it is crucial that students
are involved at all stages of the research, including
the writing of the research proposal, fieldwork, and
final report.
To assist students in monitoring
regional publications with relevance
for the subject area. The activity goes on during
the whole academic year and targets publications of
scholars from the region that have been written in
local languages, making available on-line their reviews
or summaries in English. Besides newly published books
and articles, students might also report on research
in progress or conference proceedings.
To hold a
visiting lecture at one of the participating
faculties from the region. The "host" project participant
ought to act as a discussant or opponent at the visiting
lecture, and advertise the event among students and
faculty members.
Program participants benefit from the
academic guidance of more experienced scholars who act
as resource persons for the project. They also receive
material support through the financing of the Higher
Education Support Program, Open Society Institute Budapest.
The outcomes of the intersession activities are presented
and discussed at the summer sessions.